I also discovered that I was a creative person later in life. My discovery came under the guise of decorating and craft. But, the undeniable feelings of the “lightning bolt moments” charged me and brought me to life after completing a creative task. About 20 years ago, I was asked to join a monthly craft group, where we would create different things. We made wreaths, cards, etc. It was the responsibility of each person to take turns hosting and teaching the monthly class. I was TERRIFIED! I wanted to join, but thought: “I have no skill, or talent to teach anything.” (Remember this was all before Pinterest). I came home from those gatherings literally vibrating with excitement because I had created something!

From this, I knew I wanted more. I enrolled in the School of Fine Art in 2000. By 2001, in Basic Design, I met Sandra. Our stories were very similar and slowly we discovered that we both enjoyed reminding people that they were born creative. Over the years, our meetings and collaboration continue to fuel and ignite our passion for creating opportunities for people to create. The formula is quite simple: provide the materials, the time, and the guidance and exercises, and the rest is nothing short of magic. We are inspired by people re-discovering and re-connecting with their creative voice.
The Next Step to our Evolution: The Creative Revival Company is born.
Sandra and I have been doing extensive reading and research in the area of Creativity and Business. The bottom line is that Creativity is actually an everyday activity and at its best, should infuse the way you live your life. Couple this with the fact that we live in a world that is constantly changing, we must embrace ourselves as creators, makers, and doers to keep up.

We bring the materials, the time, and the guidance. You make the magic happen.